The labels
Frassitelli, Pietra Martone, Forastera, Biancolella, Ischia Bianco, Falanghina, Biancolella and Gocce D’Ambra, Mario D’Ambra, Per’’e palummo.

In 1955, there was the first fundamental turning point, which saw the second generation of D'Ambra's protagonists: - Mario, always the most adventurous and lively son, took care of sales; - Michele, more introverted, who always took care of sales. Mario, who has always been the most adventurous and lively son, deals with sales; - Michele, the most introverted son, who has always Michele, more introverted, who has always accompanied his father on his buggy, bargains with farmers for the purchase of the best grapes of the island; and Salvatore, the youngest of his sons, who had studied enology, made wine. And it was Salvatore himself - Andrea's father - who decided it was time to give a well defined identity to the wine, starting a series of modifications and changes which led to the definitive abandonment of the trading of bulk wine and to the beginning of their production: thus was born the bottled Biancolella D'Ambra.
The choice of a label which would reflect the spirit of the winery which produced that wine was an essential step "We are happy to greet you Ischitan and we do it by sending you 25 bottles of Biancolella, excluding the more symbolic bread and dried figs". Mario's gift was for an exceptional consumer, Luchino Visconti, on the occasion of the inauguration of his beloved house in Ischia, the Colombaia. The famous director had a predilection for Biancolella (so much that some scene photos taken on the set portray him with the bottle covered by an upside down glass), and to his intervention is due the definitive label with which this wine entered the history of enology. "Here I am to you. My opinion about the label you sent me to see is that it is a bit gloomy and too full of things. It is a matter of taste and taste is a terribly personal matter. I personally like better a linear -almost empty- thing in which camp your house -the sky- the sea of Ischia and the necessary writings. Here's my opinion . [..]".

These were the words of the director that determined the design of the Casa D'Ambra label. He suggested to eliminate a series of decorations that he considered redundant and a label that in few centimeters tells a world was born.