The Territory: the island of Ischia
a small paradise, a jewel in the Gulf of Naples.
Casa D'Ambra buys every year about 5,000 quintals of grapes from 150 Ischia's viticulturists, of which 120 are associated to the Cooperative. Vineyards owned by the winery include four hectares of land in Frassitelli, one hectare in Montecorvo. Moreover, Casa D'Ambra has 6 hectares of vineyards in the most suited areas of the island. The winery definitely focuses on local vines: for white wines biancolella, forastera, uvarilla; for red wines piedirosso and guarnaccia. As evidence of an attention towards the improvement of the quality of grapes and the homologation of old varieties, in 1995 was established an experimental field, a sort of genetic bank for the recovery of disappeared varieties, planted in the Frassitelli estate. So Guarnaccia and Guarnaccello, Coda Cavallo and Streppa rossa, Rillottola and Don Lunardo, and then Catalanesca, Uva romana, Uva procidana, and Uva coglionara, will be able to live again in the Ischia viticultural panorama.
“Ischia, paraviso ‘e giuventù,
Ischia, chistu mare è sempre blu!”
Ischia Mia - Antonio De Curtis
Our commitment to Ischia
Casa D'Ambra and the recovery of the agricultural landscape
The protection and restoration of the rural landscape have become today more than ever a social priority for the island of Ischia.
.È It is here that the ancient vines have found a perfect home, giving life to unique wines and for this reason famous, with a viticulture "difficult": steep slopes, dry stone walls, stone stairs, hot sun, wind, sea, human effort.
History, gastronomy, wine and food.
History, gastronomy and landscape come together in the glass, in places like Ischia, where culture still means culture.
The viticulture on the island of Ischia è still today the protagonist of the landscapes of agricultural excellence, where the quality of the wines shines through the care of the soil, maintenance of walls, paths, rural buildings and conservation of biodiversity, wild species and food of ancient cultivation as an antidote to the creeping food homologation.
At the end of the last years, the island of Ischia has become a center of excellence in the field of viticulture.
Since the end of the 60s of the twentieth century, viticulture on the island of Ischia has undergone the most profound change of socio-economic phase. More than two thousand hectares have been sacrificed at the altar of tourism accomplice also a building speculation to say the least senseless.
.These are among the reasons that led the generations of the family D’Ambra, from thirty years dedicated to the vine and wine, to bet decisively on the restoration and recovery of the vineyard landscapes on the island of Ischia.